Dear Discovery Cluster Users:
ITS-RC Seminar: "Scripting Perl/Python on Discovery Cluster: Simple to advanced Perl/Python scripts – from job monitoring and automatic submissions to mpi4py" is scheduled for Thursday, November 19, 2015, from 10.30am to 12.30pm.
The session is open to all users.
Signup and venue information:
Details of the seminar structure to be held by Sumit Ghosh and Kumar Aakash (Graduate Assistants, ITS - Research Computing
Candidates for Master of Science in Computer Science) is below:
1) Simple Interactive and Batch Job Submissions
2) Batch runs in more detail - hardcoding and automating
a) Submit folders
b) #BSUB tags - job names, cores, queues, conditional expressions, core distribution
c) mpirun flags
3) Options available
a) BASH scripting
4) Example automated submission of jobs using PYTHON
5) Monitoring your jobs and queues
a) Simple commands
b) Example script for automatic queue and job monitoring
Hope to see you there.
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