Dear Discovery Cluster Users:
ITS-RC Seminar: "Parallel Debugging on Discovery Cluster from pthreads and OpenMP to GPGPU, MPI and RDMA" is scheduled for Thursday, October 29, 2015 from 10.30am to 12.30pm.
The session is open to all users.
Signup and venue information:
Details of the seminar structure is below:
1) pthreads and OpenMP programs – debugging issues and differences in the two methods
2) Debugging pthreads and OpenMP programs using TotalView on the Discovery Cluster – several examples
3) MPI and Hybrid MPI with OpenMP and GPGPU – debugging issues
4) Debugging MPI and Hybrid MPI / OpenMP and GPGPU codes with TotalView, Nsight, cuda-gdb and cuda-memcheck on Discovery Cluster – several examples
5) Debugging MPI - RDMA aware code on Discovery Cluster – several examples
6) Profiling and tracing techniques to implement scalability and thread safety and as an aid to debugging
7) Several examples of profiling and tracing various parallel codes on Discovery Cluster
8) Load balancing and synchronization – example debugging runs on Discovery cluster and issues related with race conditions, deadlocks and non-determinism in parallel code
Hope to see you there.
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