DSGSTF-L Digital Scholarship Group Discussion List
Discussion list all internal members of the Northeastern University Digital Scholarshop Group, including staff, student employees, interns, etc.
DSGTAG-L Digital Scholarship Group Encoding Discussion List
E-mail list for internal members of the Northeastern University Digital Scholarship Group (including staff, student employees, interns, etc.) for discussions about issues directly related to encoding.
ENVIROGRADS provides an exclusive channel for discussions and information sharing among undergraduate and graduate student members of the Environment and Technology Section to ask questions, request information, disseminate student-related information, and promote programs and opportunities. Student members will be able to contact each other and share their interests, as well as providing a forum for concerns, support, and resources. For those on the job market, it will offer an additional resource for job postings and openings, including fellowships and post-docs. Its goal will be to help foster a collegial environment for communication, discussion, and professional development among student members of the section.
It is a companion to the section's main listserv, ENVIROSOC which are both supported by Northeastern University. We encourage members to subscribe to both.
ENVSENSORSLAB Environmental Sensing Lab Group
Environmental Sensing Lab Group
Events Council
EXPERIENTIALLEARNINGINLAW Alliance for Experiential Learning in Law