As we begin the new semester, the Research Computing team encourages you to review our storage offerings for details about how you can best utilize Active and Archival storage for your research. This information is available on our new policy pages on the RC website, the Scratch Policy and the Research Projects Storage Space offerings pages have recently been created to help researchers manage and understand their available storage options.
Scratch Purge
To ensure adequate resources for all users going into the new semester, the Research Computing team plans to continue purging the /scratch space — recall that /scratch space is a temporary space and is periodically purged. The RC team will purge all files in the /scratch space during the monthly maintenance window, which is the first Tuesday of the month. The next purge is planned for Tuesday, October 1, 2024. As a reminder, if you have any data on /scratch that you would like to retain, please move your data into persistent storage, like /work. Research Computing also provides archival storage options in the form of Disk and Tape media.
If you need to expand the amount of storage you have available in /work, please submit a Storage Space Extension Request. If you have any questions, please submit a ticket, drop by our Office Hours, or Schedule a Consultation.
/work Storage Quota
All Discovery users are provided complimentary storage on Discovery up to 35TB per PI on Discovery. If you are currently using more than 35TB of storage, you will need to select one of the following options:
Please note that moving your data from /work to /scratch could result in a loss of your data, as that space is not backed up and is intended to be purged periodically. If you would like to discuss the best option for your group, please schedule a storage consultation with the RC Staff.
your quota and usage on /scratch
, or
directory, please run the following commands:
srun -p short --pty bash
check-quota /work/<directory>
As always, the RC team is happy to work with you to ensure that you are making the most informed and appropriate decisions for your research needs. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out during office hours for a quick question or to schedule a storage consultation with the RC Staff for more in-depth assistance.
Thank you,
The Research Computing Team