

The Digital Humanities Workshop presents

A Generous Interface for the Discoverability of Text Collections

Tuesday, April 4th, 5:00 - 6:00 pm

The Nexus, Hayden Library (14S-130), MIT Libraries:

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Jeffrey Shen<> (Graduate Research Assistant at the Digital Humanities Lab & Master's in Engineering student, MIT) presents "A Generous Interface for the Discoverability of Text Collections," Tuesday, April 4, 5-6pm, in The Nexus.

From the presenter: "Existing search interfaces for digital collections are excellent for finding specific items, but are unfriendly to inexperienced users, fail to facilitate exploration, and do not highlight the internal relationships and structures within a collection. Generous interfaces have been theorized as an alternative to search-centric information retrieval, and have begun to be implemented in a limited number of digital cultural institutions. However, there are almost no examples of generous interfaces for text-based collections, a significant omission. In this thesis, I develop an experimental interface to explore MIT's DSpace collection, which contains the full-text of over 50,000 theses published by MIT affiliates: a "spatial search" where content is mapped onto a two-dimensional virtual space that enables users to search by "moving" rather than through queries. I then use an experiment user setup to evaluate the interface against a traditional search interface."


Hosted by the MIT Libraries and Programs in Digital Humanities, <> the Digital Humanities Workshop provides a flexible, dynamic space for faculty and researchers to connect with one another about digital research and teaching topics.

All MIT community members are welcome. Non-MIT guests and guests without an MIT ID should RSVP to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

[Poster for Digital Humanities Workshop presented by MIT Libraries & Programs in Digital Humanities. "A Generous Interface for the Discoverability of Text Collections," by Jeffrey Shen (Graduate Research Assistant, Digital Humanities Lab, MIT). Tuesday, April 4, 5-6pm in The Nexus, Hayden Library (14S-130). Features image of color-coded text boxes and key, with study titles, authors, and abstract inside each box.]

Ece (pronounced AJ) Turnator
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Humanities and Digital Scholarship Librarian
Data Management Services<> Team Member
MIT Libraries
Office Phone: 617-253-4979

MIT is an 1862 Land Grant Institution<>; it benefited from the dispossession of 82 Native American nations.


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