

Hello everyone!

We are beginning another coordinated reading series this spring and hope
you all will join us!!

The theme this year is: Temporal Data & Evolutionary Change. All readings
and information about the 2022 coordinated readings can be found on the RCN

We encourage you to form discussion groups either through your home
institution or through the "virtual group" on Slack. As we have for
previous coordinated reading series, each group will be posting discussion
summaries on the Evolving Seas Slack workspace ("#2022-spring-readings"
channel). If you are not yet a member of the RCN-ECS Slack workspace, you
can sign-up here

We are excited for this round of discussions and look forward to seeing the
RCN's ideas and thoughts about how to best use time-series data to
investigate evolutionary change.

The spring 2022 coordinated readings planning committee

PhD Candidate
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Graduate Program in Ecology & Evolution
Department of Ecology, Evolution & Natural Resources
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ 08901


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