

​(Apologies for cross-listing)

Dear all,

Below, please find an invitation to a talk by Paolo Ciuccarelli, Director of the Center for Design, as part of the NUVis Invited Speaker Series. This talk will be held virtually over Zoom on Friday, November 12, 12 - 1:30 PM, and is open to anyone in the Northeastern community.

Thank you,


The Northeastern University Visualization Consortium (NUVis) cordially invites you to attend the next event in our Invited Speaker Series:

"Data Rhetoric"

Paolo Ciuccarelli
Professor, Art + Design
Director, Center for Design

Event Details

Friday, November 12
12 - 1:30 PM ET
This talk will be held over Zoom (details below)


Every visualization (inevitably) speaks about something more than data; designing it is then (also) a matter of language, translation, and rhetorical devices. Playing with metaphors and embracing different media (visualization, sonification, physicalization …) can help both experts with analytical tasks and non-expert audiences in engaging with data. Public engagement especially may benefit from a deep dive into specific forms of literature as poetry, to provoke an emotional response and re-connect the user/reader with the phenomenon behind the data.

Speaker Bio

Architect and Communication Designer, Paolo Ciuccarelli joined Northeastern as Professor of Design in 2019 after twenty years at Politecnico di Milano in Italy. At Politecnico he founded DensityDesign, an award winning research laboratory for data visualization and information design. At Northeastern Paolo founded and directs the Center for Design to foster interdisciplinary design research, observe the evolution of the design as discipline and practice and facilitate the development of new tools and methods, with a meta-design approach.

Zoom Details

Topic: NUVis Invited Speaker Series: Data Rhetoric, with Paolo Ciuccarelli
Time: Nov 12, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Steven Geofrey (he/they)

Assistant Teaching Professor/Designer in Residence for the Center for Design

Northeastern University, College of Arts, Media and Design

Department of Art + Design

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