Hello all,


Here’s a list of our upcoming DH Open Office Hours and other DH events in March and April:


All our Open Office Hours sessions this semester will be virtual -- held on Wednesdays from 12:15 to 1:00 via Zoom unless otherwise noted.  We’re starting at 12:15 to give everyone time to get lunch and take a stretch break between virtual meetings.


Please note, if you would like to participate in one of these sessions please register through the Northeastern Library Calendar (links below). Anyone can register, but this helps us keep our events secure.  When you register you will receive a calendar invitation with a Zoom link *as an attachment* to the confirmation email (and not in the body of the email itself). You can register at any time up until the end of each session.



March 24, 12:15-1:00pm - Against Immersion: Economies and Technologies of Attention in Digital Public History

RSVP here: https://northeastern.libcal.com/event/7626260

At this session Jim McGrath will discuss how digital history initiatives make particular demands of time and attention on their imagined audiences. When do "kitchen sink" approaches to the development of digital projects ignore the realities of where and how users engage with online historical resources? Jim will provide some examples of projects from academic and non-academic contexts and reflect on his own experiences on digital public humanities projects.


***Please note the special date for this event!***

THURSDAY, April 1, 12:15-1:00pm - The Homosaurus: Queer Information Activism

RSVP here: https://northeastern.libcal.com/event/7593986

In this session, K.J. Rawson will present the Homosaurus within a framework of queer information activism. He’ll share a few excerpts from a recently submitted article (co-authored with Marika Cifor) on queer classification and vocabulary building and he'll invite discussion about future directions for the project.


April 7, 12:15-1:00pm - A Primer for Black DH: Theories and Methods

RSVP here: https://northeastern.libcal.com/event/7626305

In this session Angel David Nieves will discuss his most recent efforts to develop a “Primer for Black DH,” based on his work with students in his Spring, 2021 course, Race, Science, and Technology. Nieves recently discussed his draft “Primer” during a College of Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Works-in-Progress talk for the NU Humanities Center.


April 14, 12:15-1:00pm - NULab Seedling and Travel Grant Recipient Presentations

RSVP here: https://northeastern.libcal.com/event/7626864

Please join us on Wednesday, April 14 at 12:15–1pm for a special session of DH Open Office Hours in which recipients of NULab Seedling and Travel Grants will share their research projects in a round of lightning talks.

This event will feature:

Nicole Aljoe, English, speaking on the Early Black Boston Digital Almanac

Myojung Chung, Journalism and Media Advocacy, speaking on the project “When I Learn the News is False: Fact-checking Information as a Tool to Combat Spread of Fake News”







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