Join the DH Hub on Thursday, January 28 from 7-8pm for a casual conversation with recent alumnae of Northeastern University. Megan Barney MA ’19, Mahala Nyberg MA ’20, Katie Woods MA ’19, and Megan Woods MA ’19 will discuss how they have put their digital humanities skills to work in the Boston job market and offer advice on how they approached the job search process. There will be plenty of opportunities for participants to ask questions. For more info and to register, see here:

The DH Hub is a collaborative community of graduate students, recent graduates and early career researchers doing DH work in Greater Boston, supported by the Digital Scholarship Group and NULab for Texts, Maps, and Networks at Northeastern University. If you are interested in getting in contact with other students and researchers working in DH, please follow us on Twitter and join our Slack Channel.

We hope to see you there!

Best wishes,
Alicia Svenson, Julianna Wessels, and Talia Brenner

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