

we're having issues with the server that runs the controller daemon (service-00)

we will update once we know more.  The running and pending jobs are not affected even if cannot be seen with squeue.

thank you for your patience,


Boris Yazlovitsky * HPC Administrator - Research Computing, Information Technology Services * Northeastern University, 2 Ell Hall, 360 Huntington Avenue,<,%C2%A0Boston,+MA+02115&entry=gmail&source=g> Boston, MA 02115<,%C2%A0Boston,+MA+02115&entry=gmail&source=g> * Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> (C) 617.602.2858<tel:(617)%20602-2858> / (O) 617.373.6054<tel:(617)%20373-6054>
NEU Research Computing Website: http<>s://


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