Dear all,
With fall almost here, I wanted to send out a note to help us start planning conversations, DH conference proposals, and other activities for the rest of this year.
1) SIG status: ADHO SIGs have until November 1st to put in requests for workshops at DH 2020. I’ve emailed Brian Croxall (the ADHO secretary) to ask when the next ADHO exec meeting is, so that we can
try to be approved as a SIG before November 1st. I’ll let you know when I hear back. In the meantime, please add any comments on our SIG proposal:
We’re especially interested in including more examples of the turn towards feminist DH projects and perspectives beyond the US, Canada, and Mexico. If you’d be willing to be a co-signatory of the SIG
document (by leaving a comment at the bottom of the SIG proposal), that would be wonderful.
2) Scheduling conversations: If anyone would be interested in hosting a conversation at some point this fall (in any time zone!), please let me know and I’ll add it to the website, and schedule Cheese
the Skeleton to tweet about it from @dhwogem. I’ll be hosting a repeat of the “becoming a parent” conversation on September 20th at 12 PM Eastern / 11 Central / 9 Pacific, but I know that’s not a great time for everyone, particularly in Australia and New Zealand.
Anything at all that you’re interested in that seems relevant to the theme of DH-WoGeM is welcome; just send me a time, day, title, and blurb (and if there’s a photo you’d like to have go along with it on the website).
3) DH 2020 planning meeting: we should probably put in a proposal for DH 2020 of some sort or another, and we also should give some thought into what we want to do for a small reception that we can
fund with the 500 Euros that we got from winning the creative poster award at DH 2019. I’ve set up a Doodle poll with some times later in September; if you’re interested in participating in the meeting, please add your availability:
Cheese the Skeleton of DH 2019 fame has been living a quieter life in my living room since her summer travels, but if you ever need a photo of Cheese holding up a sign for anything you’re doing locally in the same spirit as DH-WoGeM, I’m happy to put something
together for you.
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