


Since its inception, the digital humanities has considered the question
“what is it to be human in relation to machines in the digital age?” This
issue of *Open Information Science *asks for papers that consider how we
can understand “digital wellness” as part of the ongoing inquiry into what
acts, representations, and understandings exist around human-ness in the
digital era.  Particularly, this volume seeks to explore the possibilities
of digital wellness provided through a range of disciplines and forms. We
invite papers which consider architectures, platforms, and diverse
disciplinary engagements with the opportunities and challenges surrounding
digital wellness:

Possible topics include but are not limited to:

   - How are search engines addressing needs for wellness?
   - How do literary arts engage wellness literacies through multimodal
   - How does the digital self interface with wellness?
   - How do digital borders interface with geographic borders towards
   impacting human wellness?
   - How does data creation and visualization impact user wellness?
   - How do digital formats and texts embrace animals, earth terrain, and
   environmental conditions towards understandings of wellness?
   - How is wellness conceived as integrated with or external to digital
   - How do corporate digital organizational systems influence our notion
   of the digital person as imbricated in capital (in Multinational or Local
   - How do digital wealth and investing systems inform our notions of the
   human and the circuit?
   - How do digital visual formats rearrange or constrain our conceptions
   of the human?
   - How do youth coding programs (like Hour of Code and Family Code Night)
   affect educational and familial relationships to the human as code?
   - How are tensions around big data balanced against an increasing number
   of “micro-forms”?

How to Submit

Submissions are welcome which attend to the following topics’ connections
to wellness:

   - Biotechnology’s visualization of wellness
   - Computational approaches to wellness
   - Processing, designing, modeling, implementing wellness
   - Digital Rights Movements, Open Access, Curation, Data
   - Affect
   - Embodied Digital Culture
   - Archives
   - Gaming and Simulation
   - Scale
   - Networks
   - Project-based Learning
   - Relationships between Humanism, Post-Humanism, Earth Matter and
   Sea/Liquid Life
   - Distributed Work and Workplace Wellness
   - Links between the Virtual and the Local
   - Information Ethics and Wellness
   - Digital Sound and Wellness
   - Digital Wellness and Social Justice
   - Digital Wellness across Racial, Ethnic, Gendered, and Classed Borders
   - Meditation, Mindfulness, and Relaxation in the Digital Era

Guest Editor

*Valerie Karno <>*, Director,
Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, University of Rhode

Please send 1-2 page Abstracts by June 1, 2019 to [log in to unmask] (Small
extensions can be granted upon request)

Papers will be due by *October 1, 2019.*
For Journal Description see:
Dr. Valerie Karno, J.D., PhD.
Director, Graduate School of Library and Information Studies
University of Rhode Island


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