Dear Discovery Users, python 3.6.6 is available on the new cluster. including -- TensorFlow 1.10.1 (latest version) for CPU and GPU: For NVIDIA GPU computing, TensofFlow requires: CUDA 9.0 Toolkit with CUPTI and drivers; cuDNN 7.1 , which are recommended by TensorFlow website. If you import tensorflow on GPU, please load cuda/9.0 (CUPTI and cuDNN are already setup inside by RC) as a prerequisite. -- keras and theano packages for machine learning support running on GPU nodes, please load cuda module as a prerequisite. -- hundreds of packages for python3 Please check if the python packages you require are available or not. If it is not available, please submit a ticket on We are migrating the applications of software, libraries and compilers to the new system on the Discovery Cluster and will abandon deprecated software. The migration is in the process. Most software are available on the new cluster system. Please login and check the available modules. If the software you requested is not available now, please be patient to wait the notice. $ module avail RC new website is available at You can learn how to use the new cluster. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. Best -- Handan Liu, Ph.D. Research Computing, Information Technology Services Northeastern University, 2 Ell Hall, 360 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115 (O) 617.373.2863 Email: [log in to unmask] Northeastern Research Computing Website:<> <mailto:[log in to unmask]><> ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the DISCOVERY list, click the following link: