

Dear Discovery Cluster Users,

The MGHPCC data center facility co-owned by Northeastern and four partner universities will undergo its Annual Maintenance Shutdown on May 22nd this year.

This annual activity is used by our MGHPCC facility team to perform critical maintenance work and upgrades to the data center power, cooling and other infrastructure that cannot be performed while the data center is online.

This year, the Northeastern ITS Research Computing team will also use this time to perform back-end infrastructure upgrades to home directory and scratch storage, monitoring and maintenance infrastructure, and server move/recabling work.

We anticipate that the schedule will be as follows:

- Discovery Cluster partition “ser-par-10g-4” queue will be closed at 08:00:00 hours on Wednesday May 16th, 2018.

- All Discovery Cluster queues (except default partition=ser-par-10g)  will be closed at 08:00:00 hours on Thursday May 17th, 2018.

- default partition=ser-par-10g will remain open through Friday May 18th in support of HPC Day 2018.  This queue will be closed at 12:00:00 hours on Saturday May 19th.

- Please save your work and logout of the cluster no later than 13:00:00 hours on Sunday May 20th, 2018.

- The cluster admin, login, compute nodes, storage and related networks will be powered down beginning at 09:00:00 hours on Monday May 21st , 2018.

Power in MGHPCC is expected to be restored sometime the evening of Tuesday May 22nd, 2018. As soon as this is done the work to bring the cluster online and in full production mode will begin.  After testing for stability the queues will be opened. We will keep you updated as we receive information on power restoration, and as soon the cluster is back up and stable.

Alternatively please check the RC website ( for updates.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation in this matter.  Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.


Rajiv Shridhar | Director, ITS-SPS | Northeastern University | [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> | +1.617.373.7547


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