Happy New Year, Everyone! In the past 2017, Research Computing installed a collection of software packages and libraries on Discovery Cluster to support advanced computing activities across multiple disciplines. The following is a list of newly installed software packages and libraries from March to December 2017. New software and libraries installed as new modules: 1) 32-bit GLIBC for all compute nodes 2) afni-17.1.11 (Analysis of Functional NeuroImages) 3) amber16-cuda: compiling with cuda-7.5 4) amber16-mpi: compiling with mpich-3.0.4 5) ansys-fluent-18 6) boost-1.63.0 7) cantera-2.3.0 8) CGAL-4.9.1 9) cmake-3.10.0 10) cuda-7.5 drivers (on computing nodes) 11) cuda-8.0 toolkits and drivers (on computing nodes) 12) espresso-4.1.3 13) fmt-4.0.0 14) gamess-2017R1 (GAMESS, General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System) 15) gdbm-1.13 16) gromacs-5.1.4-single-cpu-mpi: compiling with openmpi-2.0.1 17) gromacs-5.1.4-single-GPU: compiling with cuda-7.5 18) gurobi-7.0.0 19) hmmer-3.1b2 20) idba-1.1.3 21) lhapdf-6.2.1 22) libmsr-master-0.3.0 23) lm_sensors-3.4.0 24) mcl-14-137 25) mopac-2016 26) muscle-3.8.31 27) mxnet-0.10.1 28) opencv-2.4.11 29) orca-4.0.1 30) ovito-2.9.0 31) plumed-2.3.1 32) powercap-master 33) prodigal-2.6.3 34) protobuf-3.4.1 35) pygpu-0.6.8_python-2.7.5 36) python-2.7.5-nosage 37) python-3.5.2 38) qt-4.8.7 39) R-3.3.3_gnu 40) raplcap-master 41) rrdtool-1.4.3 42) samtools-1.5 43) schrodinger-2017 44) schrodinger-2017-3 45) singularity-2.3.2 46) snap-4.0 47) spark-2.2.0_hadoop_2.4 48) sqlite-3.21.0 49) stata-14-mp-erten 50) vsearch-2.4.4 New packages installed in Python-2.7.5 1) anvio-2.4.0 2) chainer-1.24.0 3) cv2-2.4.11 4) cython-0.25.2 5) dlib-19.7.0 6) imblearn-0.0 7) l1ls-0.2.1 8) lmdb-0.92 9) keras-2.0.5 10) mxnet-0.10.1 11) numpy-1.11.2 12) pygpu-0.6.8 13) pygraphviz-1.4rc1 14) scikit-image-0.13.0 15) scikit-learn-0.19.0 16) snap-4.0.0 17) theano-0.10.0dev1.dev-RELEASE 18) virtualenv-15.1.0 New packages installed in Python-3.5.2: 1) anvio-2.4.0 2) bottle-0.12.13 3) brainiak 4) CherryPy-8.9.1 5) Cython-0.25.2 6) Django-1.11.5 7) dlib-19.7.0 8) ete3-3.0.0b35 9) face_alignment-0.1.0 10) h5py-2.7.1 11) lxml-4.0.0 12) mistune-0.7.4 13) networkx-1.10rc2 14) opencv-python- 15) Pillow-4.3.0 16) psutil-5.3.1 17) PyQt4_gpl_x11-4.12.1 18) pysam-0.11.1 19) pytorch-0.2.0 20) PyWavelets-0.5.2 21) PyYAML-3.12 22) qiime2-2017.8.0 23) requests-2.18.4 24) scikit-image-0.13.0 25) scikit-learn-0.19.0 26) sip-4.19.3 27) Theano-0.8.2 New packages installed in R-3.3.3: 1) devtools 2) magrittr 3) mallet 4) Rcpp 5) sqldf 6) tidytext 7) tidyverse 8) tm 9) rJava 10) stringi 11) wordVectors The following is a list of software applications and compiler that will be installed soon. 1) Compiler (latest version): gnu-7.2.0-compilers (gcc, g++, fortran, support for c++17, GLIBCXX_3.4.24) 2) QT5: qt-5.10.0 3) MATLAB: matlab-2017b with license manager And, researchers are welcome to install third-party software in their home directories with own accounts. Happy New Year! Wishing you great success in achieving your dreams and goals in 2018. Best Handan -- Handan Liu, Ph.D. Research Computing Associate, Information Technology Services Northeastern University, 2 Ell Hall, 360 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115 (C) 617.470.7162 (O) 617.373.2863 Email: [log in to unmask] Northeastern Research Computing Website: http://www.northeastern.edu/rc <mailto:[log in to unmask]><http://www.northeastern.edu/rc> ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the DISCOVERY list, click the following link: http://listserv.neu.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=DISCOVERY&A=1