

Happy New Year, Everyone!

In the past 2017, Research Computing installed a collection of software packages and libraries on Discovery Cluster to support advanced computing activities across multiple disciplines.

The following is a list of newly installed software packages and libraries from March to December 2017.

New software and libraries installed as new modules:

1)     32-bit GLIBC for all compute nodes

2)     afni-17.1.11 (Analysis of Functional NeuroImages)

3)     amber16-cuda: compiling with cuda-7.5

4)     amber16-mpi: compiling with mpich-3.0.4

5)     ansys-fluent-18

6)     boost-1.63.0

7)     cantera-2.3.0

8)     CGAL-4.9.1

9)     cmake-3.10.0

10)  cuda-7.5 drivers (on computing nodes)

11)  cuda-8.0 toolkits and drivers (on computing nodes)

12)  espresso-4.1.3

13)  fmt-4.0.0

14)  gamess-2017R1 (GAMESS, General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System)

15)  gdbm-1.13

16)  gromacs-5.1.4-single-cpu-mpi: compiling with openmpi-2.0.1

17)  gromacs-5.1.4-single-GPU: compiling with cuda-7.5

18)  gurobi-7.0.0

19)  hmmer-3.1b2

20)  idba-1.1.3

21)  lhapdf-6.2.1

22)  libmsr-master-0.3.0

23)  lm_sensors-3.4.0

24)  mcl-14-137

25)  mopac-2016

26)  muscle-3.8.31

27)  mxnet-0.10.1

28)  opencv-2.4.11

29)  orca-4.0.1

30)  ovito-2.9.0

31)  plumed-2.3.1

32)  powercap-master

33)  prodigal-2.6.3

34)  protobuf-3.4.1

35)  pygpu-0.6.8_python-2.7.5

36)  python-2.7.5-nosage

37)  python-3.5.2

38)  qt-4.8.7

39)  R-3.3.3_gnu

40)  raplcap-master

41)  rrdtool-1.4.3

42)  samtools-1.5

43)  schrodinger-2017

44)  schrodinger-2017-3

45)  singularity-2.3.2

46)  snap-4.0

47)  spark-2.2.0_hadoop_2.4

48)  sqlite-3.21.0

49)  stata-14-mp-erten

50)  vsearch-2.4.4

New packages installed in Python-2.7.5

1)     anvio-2.4.0

2)     chainer-1.24.0

3)     cv2-2.4.11

4)     cython-0.25.2

5)     dlib-19.7.0

6)     imblearn-0.0

7)     l1ls-0.2.1

8)     lmdb-0.92

9)     keras-2.0.5

10)  mxnet-0.10.1

11)  numpy-1.11.2

12)  pygpu-0.6.8

13)  pygraphviz-1.4rc1

14)  scikit-image-0.13.0

15)  scikit-learn-0.19.0

16)  snap-4.0.0


18)  virtualenv-15.1.0

New packages installed in Python-3.5.2:

1)     anvio-2.4.0

2)     bottle-0.12.13

3)     brainiak

4)     CherryPy-8.9.1

5)     Cython-0.25.2

6)     Django-1.11.5

7)     dlib-19.7.0

8)     ete3-3.0.0b35

9)     face_alignment-0.1.0

10)  h5py-2.7.1

11)  lxml-4.0.0

12)  mistune-0.7.4

13)  networkx-1.10rc2

14)  opencv-python-

15)  Pillow-4.3.0

16)  psutil-5.3.1

17)  PyQt4_gpl_x11-4.12.1

18)  pysam-0.11.1

19)  pytorch-0.2.0

20)  PyWavelets-0.5.2

21)  PyYAML-3.12

22)  qiime2-2017.8.0

23)  requests-2.18.4

24)  scikit-image-0.13.0

25)  scikit-learn-0.19.0

26)  sip-4.19.3

27)  Theano-0.8.2

New packages installed in R-3.3.3:

1)     devtools

2)     magrittr

3)     mallet

4)     Rcpp

5)     sqldf

6)     tidytext

7)     tidyverse

8)     tm

9)     rJava

10)  stringi

11)  wordVectors

The following is a list of software applications and compiler that will be installed soon.

1)     Compiler (latest version): gnu-7.2.0-compilers (gcc, g++, fortran, support for c++17, GLIBCXX_3.4.24)

2)     QT5: qt-5.10.0

3)     MATLAB: matlab-2017b with license manager

And, researchers are welcome to install third-party software in their home directories with own accounts.

Happy New Year!

Wishing you great success in achieving your dreams and goals in 2018.




Handan Liu, Ph.D.

Research Computing Associate, Information Technology Services

Northeastern University, 2 Ell Hall, 360 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115

(C) 617.470.7162 (O) 617.373.2863 Email: [log in to unmask]
Northeastern Research Computing Website:

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