Dear all, In the message below, please find an open invitation from Jen Ferguson, Research Data Management Librarian in Snell Library, for any graduate students who may be interested in speaking about the data they use in their research for a panel in February. If you are interested, or know of someone else who may be, please let me know (at [log in to unmask]) and I can connect you with Jen. Please feel free to forward this invitation to anyone else on campus. Thank you, Steven Steven Braun (he/him/his) Data Analytics and Visualization Specialist Northeastern University Libraries, Digital Scholarship Group Snell Library, Room 243 [log in to unmask] | (617) 373-5885 <><> ________________________________ Hi, colleagues - I’m starting to organize a few data-related events for February, which coincidentally includes both Love Data Week<> and Endangered Data Week.<> One of the events I’m working to put together is a panel of graduate students talking about their research using data, especially work that involves using data they don’t directly generate/control. (Census data, for example.) Do you know of current graduate students in your area/s who use data in this way, who would be interesting to hear from as part of a panel? If so, and if you’d be amenable to sharing their contact info, I would love to reach out to them to see if they’d be willing to talk to an audience in February about their work. Thanks, Jen ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the NUVIS-LIST list, click the following link: