

Dear all,

On Wednesday, November 15, Snell Library will be celebrating GIS Day, an annual international celebration of all things GIS and mapping. Please see the announcement below for information about relevant workshops being held in Snell that day.

Please forward this announcement to anyone you believe may be interested.



Please join us for GIS Day!

On Wednesday, November 15, communities around the world will celebrate GIS Day<>, a forum to showcase and explore the applications and innovations in geographic information systems and mapping. Northeastern is the only host for the event in Boston this year! Join us for events related to mapping throughout the day.

Map Your Data with GIS + Making a map with InDesign

9:30 - 12:30 pm, Snell 422

Bring your own data to this workshop and we’ll map it together. Bahare Sanaie-Movahed, Geographic Information Systems Specialist in the Digital Scholarship Group, will work with you to discover best practices for cleaning, manipulating and visualizing your dataset using ArcGIS or QGIS. In the second part of the workshop, Graphic Designer Azam Majooni will show how to use InDesign to generate a printable map of the Northeastern campus.

RSVP here<>

Mapping Your Emotion

1:30 - 3:30 pm, Digital Scholarship Commons Seminar Space

Need a study break? Want to flex your creative muscles while learning about mapping techniques and theory? Bahare Sanaie-Movahed, Geographic Information Systems Specialist in the Digital Scholarship Group will lead the group in a creative hands-on (think paper, scissors and markers!) mapping exercise of your commute to campus and your emotions at that time - no computers needed.

RSVP here<>


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