Dear all,
Please find below information shared by Cody Dunne about the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization, held September 25-27 at Northeastern University. Please note that early registration ends tomorrow, August 30.
Hi friends,
I am hosting the Graph Drawing and Network Visualization conference on
campus this fall, September 25-27. If case you or anyone you know is interested in attending, early registration ends tomorrow. It’s pretty cheap: $180 students, $280 regular and the vast bulk of that is for food (breakfast, 2 coffee/snack breaks, and lunch
each day plus a big dinner). More details below.
Hope to see you there!
Final Call for Participation
GD 2017
25th International Symposium on
Graph Drawing and Network Visualization
September 25-27, 2017 - Boston, MA, U.S.A.
Graph Drawing is concerned with the geometric representation of graphs
and constitutes the algorithmic core of Network Visualization. Graph Drawing and Network Visualization are motivated by applications where it is crucial to visually analyze and interact with relational datasets. Examples of such application areas include data
science, social sciences, Web computing, information systems, biology, geography, business intelligence, information security and software engineering.
GD has been the main annual event in this area for more than 20 years.
Its focus is on combinatorial and algorithmic aspects of graph drawing as well as the design of network visualization systems and interfaces. GD 2017 will take place September 25-27, 2017 at the Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Researchers
and practitioners working on any aspects of graph drawing and network visualization are invited to submit posters and to participate in the symposium.
* Early registration ends: August 30 ($180 students, $280 regular)
* Late registration ends: September 15 ($240 students, $340 regular)
* Symposium: September 25-27
Timothy M. Chan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Alessandro
Vespignani, Northeastern University, US
Daniel Archambault, Swansea University, GB Benjamin Bach, University of
Edinburgh, GB Fabian Beck, Universität Duisburg-Essen, DE Michael Bekos, Universität Tübingen, DE Therese Biedl, University of Waterloo, CA Giordano Da Lozzo, UC Irvine, US Vida Dujmovic, University of Ottawa, CA Stephane Durocher, University of Manitoba,
CA Tim Dwyer, Monash University, AU Fabrizio Frati (co-chair), Università Roma Tre, IT Martin Gronemann, Universität zu Köln, DE John Alexis Guerra Gómez, Universidad de los Andes, CO Michael Hoffmann, ETH Zürich, CH Yifan Hu, Yahoo Research, US Takayuki Itoh,
Ochanomizu University, JP Anna Lubiw, University of Waterloo, CA Kwan-Liu Ma (co-chair), UC Davis, US Fabrizio Montecchiani, Università degli Studi di Perugia, IT Martin Nöllenburg, Technische Universität Wien, AT Arnaud Sallaberry, LIRMM, FR Andrew Suk, University
of Illinois at Chicago, US Antonios Symvonis, National Technical University of Athens, GR Ioannis Tollis, University of Crete, GR Csaba Tóth, California State University Northridge, US Alexander Wolff, Universität Würzburg, DE Jian Zhao, FX Palo Alto Laboratory,
Cody Dunne (co-chair), Northeastern University, US Alan Keahey (co-chair),
Conversant, US
Philipp Kindermann, Universität Würzburg, DE Maarten Löffler (chair), Utrecht
University, NL Ignaz Rutter, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE