NUCare and Personal Health Informatics present


Coaching to Death


Monday, November 21st, 2016

12:00 – 1:00 PM

177 Huntington Avenue, 12th Floor


Speaker: Timothy Bickmore, PhD

Professor, College of Computer and Information Science
Northeastern University


Conceptualizations of "wellness" typically bring to mind young, fit, healthy adults who are trying to maintain their idyllic state as long as possible. However, "wellness" is important for everyone, including those nearing the end of life, and must encompass reduction in suffering as well as the promotion of behaviors we associate with wellness.

I will discuss needs and opportunities for wellness promotion in palliative care, and work my lab has been doing on a virtual palliative care coach. This e-coach works with individuals during their last year of life to help them manage pain and other symptoms, reduce stress and anxiety, and identify and address unmet spiritual needs, in addition to promoting more traditional wellness behaviors such as physical activity.

Join us every Monday at 12:00 noon
through December 12th
(Location subject to change.)

Upcoming seminars:

11/28    Technology innovation enhanced by nurse expertise
Presented by Nancy Hanrahan, PhD, RN, Dean, School of Nursing, Northeastern University

12/05    Wellness Technology (title tbd)
Presented by Andrea Grimes Parker, PhD , Assistant Professor, College of Computer and Information Science and Bouve College of Health Science

See the whole schedule.

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