The Northeastern University Visualization Consortium (NUVis)
cordially invites you to join us for the next talk in our invited speakers series:
“Cultivating Narratives of Self in Information Visualization”
Steven Braun
Northeastern University Libraries, Digital Scholarship Group
Friday October 7, 2016
Snell Library 90, Northeastern University
360 Huntington Ave
Boston MA, 02115
We are often drawn to information visualization because of the power it wields as a medium for understanding the world around
us. Through design, we build narratives that isolate the phenomenal world in ways that enable us to dissect, understand, and interpret it in carefully crafted slices of space and time, collapsing the complexity of our experience of it into more digestible
chunks. But as both practitioners and consumers of visualization, we sometimes forget that if we look carefully enough, visualization can tell us more about ourselves and our engagement with the world than it can about the world alone. In this talk, by way
of examples of recent personal works in visualization, I reclaim an understanding of information visualization as a medium for constructing narratives about not only the phenomenal world but also -- and perhaps even more importantly -- ourselves. Through visualization,
we can cultivate reflections of our own lived experience of what it means to be human while lifting up those of others, in the process moving us closer to an understanding of the human condition that bridges relations between self and other.
About NUVis:
University Visualization Consortium (NUVis) is a new interdisciplinary cross-university initiative to support the university’s
research efforts in visualization and to connect faculty, researchers, and students across campus to foster a visualization community. Northeastern University’s interdisciplinary focus and structure is an ideal environment for such an interdisciplinary field
of study, and the goal of NUVis, funded through a collaboration between the College of Arts, Media and Design and the College of Computer and Information Science, is to continue to foster and grow this important area of research. NUVis sponsors talks and
symposia including a bi-weekly seminar, connects faculty and students through its online portal, provides resources to support visualization related research at the university through avenues including workshops and library sponsored open office hours, and
hosts and organizes community building events including hackathons and student research poster exhibitions.including workshops and library sponsored open office hours, and hosts and organizes community building events including hackathons and student research
poster exhibitions.