NUCare and Personal Health Informatics present


Can we change our sedentary, car-dominated culture?
A proposal to support active commuting via bicycling using technology


177 Huntington Ave, 12th floor

Monday, October 24, 2016

12:00 – 1:00 PM

Followed by a discussion with the speaker


Speaker: Stephen Intille, PhD

Associate Professor, Computer and Information Science and
Bouvé College of Health Sciences Dept of Health Sciences,
Northeastern University


Physical inactivity is a major contributor to, and cause of, death and morbidity worldwide. One of the best ways to get regular, meaningful physical activity is through active commuting – that is, using one’s own muscle power to get from place to place. Unfortunately, in the U.S., technology has been used to engineer active commuting, and most other physical activity, out of the typical American’s everyday life. In this talk, I will speculate about how we might engineer it back in using a mobile-enabled system of “virtual bicycle highways.” There are many reasons why the idea I will present might fail, and the idea is difficult to test, but I will try to persuade you that the system I propose may not be as crazy as it might initially seem. Could we, with the right team, start in Boston, and create a prototype technology that demonstrates how to change the national commuting culture, thereby improving the health and happiness of many Americans?

Join us every Monday at 12:00 noon
September 19th through December 5th
(Location subject to change.)

Upcoming seminars:

10/31    PHI student presentations
Presented by Oliver Wilder-Smith and Aditya Ponnada, candidates for PhD in
Personal Health Informatics

11/7       Human Computation Games and Citizen Science
Presented by Seth Cooper, PhD , Assistant Professor, College of Art, Media, & Design and College of Computer and Information Science

See the whole schedule.

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