Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon #DHH20 27.5.-5.6.2020
It’s comin’ back around again! Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon
#DHH20 will be organised 27.5.-5.6.2020 as CLARIN and DARIAH
international summer school with SSH Open Cloud and NewsEye project etc.
Participation to #DHH20 is free to all accepted participants with the
possibility to apply for a bursary for travel and accommodation.
5 ECTS credits may be gained from participating in the hackathon for
students in University of Helsinki and other universities.
Application schedule for #DHH20:
* 2.3.–2.4.2020 Application period
* 9.4.2020 Applicants informed of acceptance and bursary
* 9.–17.4.2020 Registration to #DHH20 for accepted participants
* 27.5.–5.6.2020 #DHH20 hackathon in Helsinki
This year, the groups will focus on:
* Parliaments
* Popular Culture
* Social Media
* Historical Newspapers
More detailed information about themes, data and team leaders will
follow shortly.
Save the date and spread the word!
Jouni Tuominen, Coordinating researcher, Staff scientist
Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities (HELDIG)
University of Helsinki and Aalto University
HELDIG: Room A131, Metsätalo, Unioninkatu 40, Helsinki
Aalto: Room 3171, Maarintie 8, Espoo
+358 50 556 0402
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